International Chief Executive Officer School G23.0
The values that cannot be bought with money and no one can bring it to you except
EAS Vietnam can create your next future values!
Don't walk if you can run!
CEO is the first school in the world to specialize in training higher leaders (CEO). CEO consists of 2 levels programs: regional and global programs. Besides, CEO also offers courses for specialized directors such as Business, Human Resources, Marketing, Innovation. The academic and quality management system at the CEO school is similar to that of International University. CEO school is called “Oversea study course” which costs and time is only 30% compare with other International training programs. The learning environment and Case-study method based on the global IHHRM G23.0 standard make the CEO learners' ability different and global level, regardless of their starting point. Besides, the extensive Alumni system has created outstanding values for students to accumulate and share experiences. The CEO is also the first school in Vietnam that trains both experienced learners and students start up.
Global Class Programs are full courses or course work
Các chương trình Quản trị Quốc tế G23.0 (International) là các chương trình đào tạo tinh gọn (Course study hoặc Mini course).
EAS Vietnam is the right choice for my success, I am training and fostering the true values created by myself, a unique training environment that is unique in the world that I've ever known. Thank you to the father of general economic theory and for EAS Vietnam
Nguyen Thi Hau, CEO of HAM Vietnam (Student of CEO K21)
EAS VIETNAM で、皆様へ完璧的にプログラムを作るように能力している、サイトでプログラムに関する情報を公表する。それに加えて、グローバル人材EAS IHHRM G23.0基準によるより高いのキャリア条件と労働市場の需要を満たすために、育成方法と学術を更新して続き。また、特徴的なプログラムと最も競争的な学費を通じて、人づくりや組織づくりの需要を満たすために心構えする。つまり、学費、キャンパス、資格などプログラムの詳細は本ウェブサイトをご覧下さい、あるいは(+84)246 656 9157の電話番号でお問い合わせ下さい。